AZ,Tucson-Pima County Animal Care Center
Stray: 6520
Owner surrender: 2318
Returned to shelter: 177
Confiscated: 1037
Quarantine: 260
Public Assist: 167
Died: 189
Stray: 4277
Owner surrender: 1137
Returned to shelter: 36
Confiscated: 382
Quarantine: 39
Working cat: 56
Outreach: 1803
Return to field: 1803
Missing: 11
Died: 224
Stray: 6495
Owner surrender: 2339
Returned to shelter: 301
Confiscated: 861
Quarantine: 329
Missing: 19
Died: 152
Stray: 4124
Owner surrender: 1466
Returned to shelter: 91
Confiscated: 352
Quarantine: 52
Working cat: 136
Community cat: 0
Return to field: 1261
Missing: 14
Died: 347
Stray: 5821
Owner surrender: 3123
Returned to shelter: 382
Confiscated: 721
Quarantine: 358
Missing: 12
Died: 150
Stray: 4940
Owner surrender: 1849
Returned to shelter: 78
Confiscated: 376
Quarantine: 44
Working cat: 148
Community cat: 0
Return to field: 2601
Missing: 7
Died: 264
Stray: 5158
Owner surrender: 2350
Returned to shelter: 325
Confiscated: 595
Quarantine: 293
Missing: 12
Died: 107
Stray: 1720
Owner surrender: 1318
Returned to shelter: 58
Confiscated: 292
Quarantine: 26
Working cat: 93
Community cat: 82
Return to field: 36
Missing: 3
Died: 164
Stray: 7086
Owner surrender: 3036
Returned: 506
Confiscated: 794
Quarantine: 300
Missing: 14
Died: 163
Stray: 3915
Owner surrender: 1977
Returned: 113
Confiscated: 270
Quarantine: 62
Working cat: 75
Community cat: 314
Missing: 18
Died: 429
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 359/85
Stray: 6534/1642
Confiscate: 911/198
Quarantine: 408/78
Owner surrender: 3116/749
Adoption return: 371/35
Transfer in: 5/3
Euthanasia request: 1527/146
Foster return: 383/139
Total live intakes: 12872/2851
Adoption: 6720/1201
RTO: 1878/152
Transfers out: 1683/827
Died in care: 117/78
Missing: 50/18
Euthanasia: 1320/529
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 1135/82
Sent to foster: 289/135
Ending count: 325/28
Beginning count: 277/150
Stray: 2944/2158
Confiscate: 289/82
Quarantine: 74/34
Owner surrender: 2205/821
Adoption return: 134/30
Transfer in: 26/15
Euthanasia request: 313/24
Foster return: 1220/932
Total live intakes: 5985/3164
Adoption: 4016/1929
RTO: 118/27
Transfers out: 1263/798
Died in care: 229/205
Missing: 122/104
Euthanasia: 341/218
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 248/16
Sent to foster: 1020/924
Ending count: 176/74
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 538/128
Stray: 6784/1895
Confiscate: 963/365
Quarantine: 491/98
Owner surrender: 3351/867
Adoption return: 390/52
Transfer in: 9/1
Euthanasia request: 1529/121
Foster return: 596/248
Total live intakes: 13517/3399
Adoption: 6754/1526
RTO: 1834/193
Transfers out: 1482/589
Died in care: 224/155
Missing: 168/88
Euthanasia: 1882/755
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 1195/90
Sent to foster: 491/178
Ending count: 359/81
Beginning count: 409/273
Stray: 3014/2270
Confiscate: 312/187
Quarantine: 85/38
Owner surrender: 2162/807
Adoption return: 141/33
Transfer in: 14/7
Euthanasia request: 314/24
Foster return: 845/701
Total live intakes: 6042/3366
Adoption: 3272/1587
RTO: 101/23
Transfers out: 1338/833
Died in care: 347/314
Missing: 460/394
Euthanasia: 397/316
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 216/10
Sent to foster: 645/561
Ending count: 277/141
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 495/145
Stray: 6537/1976
Confiscate: 1012/329
Quarantine: 547/99
Owner surrender: 3369/944
Adoption return: 485/49
Transfer in: 16/0
Euthanasia request: 1639/139
Foster return: 300/120
Total live intakes: 13605/3536
Adoption: 6386/1537
RTO: 1536/147
Transfers out: 1595/736
Died in care: 198/123
Missing: 65/35
Euthanasia: 2123/814
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 1519/121
Sent to foster: 211/49
Ending count: 538/114
Beginning count: 255/192
Stray: 4074/2964
Confiscate: 272/148
Quarantine: 78/42
Owner surrender: 1894/813
Adoption return: 93/29
Transfer in: 1/0
Euthanasia request: 471/75
Foster return: 409/339
Total live intakes: 6883/4071
Adoption: 2540/1144
RTO: 131/28
Transfers out: 1349/889
Died in care: 169/146
Missing: 103/91
Euthanasia: 2110/1719
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 433/67
Sent to foster: 104/85
Ending count: 409/246
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 464/122
Stray: 7500/2697
Confiscate: 1290
Quarantine: 564/121
Owner surrender: 2791/879
Adoption return: 376/49
Transfer in: 43/14
Euthanasia request: 2120/217
Foster return: 42/27
Total live intakes: 14684/4503
Adoption: 5218/1529
RTO: 1811/213
Transfers out: 1838/653
Died in care: 191/127
Missing: 33/7
Euthanasia: 3276/1628
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 2024/204
Sent to foster: 24/16
Ending count: 495/133
Beginning count: 205/136
Stray: 5265/4008
Confiscate: 371/245
Quarantine: 100/68
Owner surrender: 1874/941
Adoption return: 63/15
Transfer in: 13/3
Euthanasia request: 660/153
Foster return: 138/96
Total live intakes: 8346/6327
Adoption: 1970/979
RTO: 163/27
Transfers out: 1148/861
Died in care: 127/113
Missing: 50/34
Euthanasia: 4117/3156
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 635/141
Sent to foster: 106/75
Ending count: 255/168
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 426/141
Stray: 8280/3141
Confiscate: 1254
Quarantine: 498/132
Owner surrender: 2783/965
Adoption return: 310/41
Transfer in: 51/7
Euthanasia request: 2475/329
Foster return: 26/19
Total live intakes: 15651/5105
Adoption: 4852/1498
RTO: 1780/223
Transfers out: 2205/706
Died in care: 176/102
Missing: 33/15
Euthanasia: 4342/2153
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 2392/306
Sent to foster: 26/22
Ending count: 464/106
Beginning count: 268/178
Stray: 5510/4216
Confiscate: 492/381
Quarantine: 91/66
Owner surrender: 1938/1055
Adoption return: 64/24
Transfer in: 30/9
Euthanasia request: 640/162
Foster return: 30/23
Total live intakes: 8765/5913
Adoption: 1379/729
RTO: 153/36
Transfers out: 1145/753
Died in care: 79/68
Missing: 20/11
Euthanasia: 5331/4123
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 623/156
Sent to foster: 37/32
Ending count: 205/122
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. This year switched from fiscal year to calendar year.
Beginning count: 280/16
Stray: 6722/1335
Confiscate: 902/144
Quarantine: 269/8
Owner surrender: 2431/360
Adoption return: 414/26
Transfer in: 23/7
Euthanasia request: 38/2
Foster return: 2141/409
Total live intakes: 10799/1882
Adoption: 6252/907
RTO: 2047/103
Transfers out: 1/0
Died in care: 130/47
Missing: 17/2
Euthanasia: 825/97
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 35/2
Sent to foster: 2082/423
Ending count: 315/12
Beginning count: 75/38
Stray: 3612/2390
Confiscate: 446/132
Quarantine: 55/12
Owner surrender: 1733/653
Adoption return: 132/53
Transfer in: 8/3
Euthanasia request: 6/0
Foster return: 2901/2292
Total live intakes: 5992/3243
Adoption: 4268/2351
RTO: 113/8
Transfers out: 2/0
Died in care: 339/287
Missing: 42/36
Euthanasia: 321/93
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 6/0
Sent to foster: 2834/2364
Ending count: 66/7
This shelter reports most categories as adults or juveniles (under 5 months of age). Totals are given first, followed by juveniles. For the purposes of clarity, Adoptions to Rescues are included as transfers out.
Beginning count: 327/30
Stray: 6513/1168
Confiscate: 919/163
Quarantine: 371/23
Owner surrender: 2457/513
Adoption return: 549/31
Transfer in: 24/3
Euthanasia request: 907/45
Foster return: 272/155
Total live intakes: 11740/1946
Adoption: 6463/822
RTO: 1828/98
Transfers out: 1272/659
Died in care: 117/54
Missing: 19/5
Euthanasia: 993/202
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 760/33
Sent to foster: 339/186
Ending count: 317/28
Beginning count: 176/76
Stray: 2701/1729
Confiscate: 287/82
Quarantine: 58/26
Owner surrender: 1912/749
Adoption return: 99/26
Transfer in: 71/48
Euthanasia request: 205/3
Foster return: 773/676
Total live intakes: 5333/2663
Adoption: 3370/1662
RTO: 110/13
Transfers out: 959/515
Died in care: 139/114
Missing: 13/10
Euthanasia: 271/114
Owner req. euth. proceeded: 160/2
Sent to foster: 842/755
Ending count: 251/147